We are the choirs of Thomas Dale High School in Chester, Virginia, including the vocal division of the Specialty Center for the Arts. Keep up with our events and happenings here as we follow our passion for music!
We have multiple choirs, both competitive and non-competitive, fantastic new sound and lighting systems, and wonderful kids who are passionate about music. Not only do we perform in our regular school concerts and competitions, but our choirs also appear at other events such as Veterans Day celebrations, Flying Squirrels games, music festivals, and more. Check out our About Us and FAQs pages to learn more!
So come and join us! As a student, a parent, a volunteer, or an audience member –everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the show!
All-District Chorus 2/7–2/8
Pyramid Concert TBA
Commonwealth Choral Invitational 2/20–2/22
Competitions TBA
Spring Concert TBA
Latest News
Coming Soon!
More news coming soon!
Did You Know?
Amazon Smiles!
When you buy from Amazon, our students in chorus benefit! Check out the details here!
Kroger Rewards!
Shop for groceries and proceeds benefit our chorus students! Check out the details here!
For other opportunities to help our students, check our Fundraising Page!